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Hananoyu Hiburan Basyakuten(華の湯 ヒブラン 馬借店)

Fukuoka / kitakyuushuushishuuhen

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Address Fukuoka 北九州市小倉北区馬借1-9-8 3F/4F
Telephone 093-512-3288
Official Website

Entrance fees: Adults 930 yen, 400 yen elementary school
bath towel (rental) 200 yen
towel set (rental) 300 yen

[bedrock bath]
1 person 1,750 yen ( more than junior high school students)
※ elementary school less than can not be admission
bedrock bath towels, bath towel (rental) Room clothes with

Business hours 13: 00- midnight last accepted midnight 22 hour 00 minutes
· bedrock bath of 1:00
· Momihogushi, Este of the final accepted final 23:30
· bathing midnight the reception is midnight
Business Holidays Every month second Tuesday  
Monorail Dan is a 12-minute walk from the 3-minute
JR Kokura Station walk than the over-station
Types of hot springs Hydrogen Carbonate Springs, Chloride Springs
Types of effectiveness Skin Disease, Neuralgic, Muscle Pains, Joint Pains, Frozen Shoulder, Motor Paralysis, Bruises, Sprains, Enteropathy, Hemorrhoids, Bad Circulation, Incised Wounds, Burns, Women's Disease
Equipments Facial Towels, Restaurants, Bath Towels, Shower Caps, Tooth Brush Sets, Razors
Services Restaurants, Beauty Salons, Massages, Rest Areas, Dressing Locker, Smoking Areas, Near the Train Station
Characteristics of hot springs One Day Hot Spring, One Day Bathing, Natural Hot Spring, Open Air Bath, Sauna, Bedrock Bath, Bubble Hot Water


  • 2017/03/21


    新規開拓で来てみましたが 『本日 露天風呂は使用できません!』 …との事(´д`|||) 「まぁ 運が悪かったかな?」 そう思いながら入場してみたものの これは今日、昨日の故障じゃないぞ! 露天風呂方面だけでなく館内風呂も 使えているのは二槽+水風呂 風呂場のアチコチ壁が割れたまま 岩盤浴は壁にカビはえてるし 客の体、心メンテする前に 自分の施設早ようメンテせんかい! 見ていて 心が痛くなりました

  • 2017/01/19


    バリのリゾート気分を本当に味わえちゃいます! 館内清潔感があってまさに癒されますよ♪ とってもおすすめの施設です。また行きます!

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